We are a team of strategic thinkers, empathetic coaches, and innovative educators, united in our commitment to champion inclusive learning environments where every student thrives.

Lee Ann Jung, PhD
Lee Ann is the founder of Lead Inclusion and a Professor of Practice at San Diego State University. She is a systems thinker who works alongside educators and school leaders to strengthen universal design for learning, inclusion, intervention, MTSS, and mastery-based assessment and grading. She regularly provides individualized coaching and thought partnership to school leaders as they navigate the complexities of leading inclusive efforts.
A former special education teacher and administrator, Lee Ann brings a deep understanding of the realities of school life. She has consulted with schools in more than 30 countries and across the United States, engaging in ongoing conversations about how to make learning more equitable and meaningful for all students.
The author of nine books and numerous journal articles and book chapters, Lee Ann writes about practical, research-based strategies for inclusive education and effective systems change. In her community, she serves as a board member for Life Adventure Center, a nonprofit focused on healing for individuals who have experienced trauma.

Katherine Stone, PhD
Instructor and Consultant
Katherine teaches the Compassionate Classrooms course on emotional regulation and conducts professional development with Lead Inclusion. Katherine is a licensed school psychologist, who has worked in private practice in the US for twenty-five years with children, independent schools, and families. She offers psycho educational testing as well as psychotherapy, parent education, and school consultations. Trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and several trauma therapies, Katherine is a frequent national speaker on DBT strategies. In her community, she is often interviewed by the media for her child psychology expertise and serves on many nonprofit Boards.

Abbey Love, PhD
Abbey teaches the families course and the organizational change course with Lead Inclusion. She is broadly interested in translating educational research to teachers and families and is specifically dedicated to initiatives and research that support individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Her research focuses on motivation and self-efficacy beliefs of professionals who work with students with disabilities in a number of contexts. She is the founder of PACT: Police Autism Community Training, and has worked internationally as a K-12 teacher and university preservice teacher instructor. Abbey has a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Kentucky.

Anita Churchville, MSEd
Instructor and Consultant
Anita created and teaches the high ability/gifted and talented course. She is an educational consultant and founder of the HAGT Learners Collaborative. She has a long history of coordinating High Ability and Gifted Programs in international schools. She also has worked as a program specialist in the Los Angeles Unified School District in California, supporting 16 schools. She has a master's degree in special and gifted education and certification as an educational diagnostician. She has presented sessions at numerous conferences for international schools.

Johanna Cena, DEd
Instructor and Consultant
Johanna is co-creator of and instructor for the MTSS course and conducts professional learning with Lead Inclusion. She is the Director of Teaching and Learning at the American School of Barcelona. She has 18 years of experience in education, 10 of those years as an Elementary principal and Director of ELL programs in Barcelona and in Portland, Oregon. Johanna has also been a classroom teacher, ELL teacher, instructional coach and staff developer. She has been a presenter on the topics of teacher leadership, content literacy, reading interventions, English language development, reader’s and writer’s workshop, culturally relevant teaching strategies, sheltered instruction, and systems such as response to instruction and intervention and Positive Behavior Support.

Amy Bain
Amy is co-creator of and instructor for the Compassionate Classrooms emotional regulation course. She is a skilled and seasoned leader of Family Connections™ courses to participants throughout the US, a project funded by National Institute of Mental Health. Amy has a passion for helping educators and family members understand the impact of emotional regulation on child development. The purpose of her work with Compassionate Classrooms is to help educators and families experience decreased feelings of depression, burden, and grief, while increasing in empowerment and self-efficacy as they use research-based practices to help young people regulate emotions and behavior. Although her work is applicable to all students, she has particular expertise and experience with emotional regulation disorders. She has worked in the Health Information Management field for the past 25 years.

Sam Passeport, MS
Sam designed and leads our course on Coaching and Consultation in Inclusive Schools. She is an education consultant/founder of No Borders Learning and an education development officer at ErasmusX, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Sam received the ISTE Edtech Coach PLN award in 2016, was named an ISTE Emerging Leader in 2016 and earned the ISTE Outstanding Young Educator Award in 2017. She is a Professional Postgraduate Candidate in Education at the University of Dundee (online and part-time).

Kristen Missall, PhD
Instructor and Consultant
Kristen co-created and teaches the MTSS course and conducts professional learning with Lead Inclusion. She is Professor in the College of Education at the University of Washington in Seattle. She received a Ph.D. in school psychology from the University of Minnesota, completed post-doctoral training at the Center for Early Education and Development, and worked in early childhood special education and elementary school settings. She specializes in school readiness and adjustment, early literacy and mathematics development, and data-based decision making in MTSS models. Kristen serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Early Intervention and on the Editorial Board of Journal of School Psychology.

Nicole DeZarn, MEd
Nicole conducts audits of practice and co-teaches courses with Lead Inclusion. She taught special education for 10 years at the high school and elementary levels. She has worked as a developmental interventionist serving children ages birth to three and their families. Nicole has 4 children, 3 of whom are adopted and have disabilities. In addition to her work coaching and teaching for Lead Inclusion, Nicole serves on the board of BuildInclusion, in Lexington, KY.

Melanie Mezick, MS
Instructional Design and Media
Melanie manages the social media and participant success arm of Lead Inclusion. Melanie is a seasoned, celebrated special education teacher in Auburn City Public Schools. She designs visuals to bring our content to life. Melanie is the main point of contact and support for participants engaged in our courses.

Maisie Jung
Social Media Consultant
Maisie is a public school art teacher in Kentucky and uses her talents in art as a social media consultant for Lead Inclusion. She has co-authored two articles for Educational Leadership Magazine on inclusion and student-centered practices.

Chris Jung
Chief Operating Officer
A professional geologist by trade, Chris retired from a long and successful career in his field and now leads the operations of Lead Inclusion. Chris is the point of contact for inquiries about services and manages business operations and accounts.